Could a cosmetologist lose their license?

Not just anyone can become a cosmetologist, which is someone who specializes in styling and beautifying hair, skin and nails. Professional cosmetologists typically have a broad education. However, to take on clients in Pennsylvania, you need to get a license.

A cosmetologist license would allow someone to perform many kinds of services. For starters, a license would give a cosmetologist the right to do some of their basic services, such as cutting, styling or coloring hair. They’d also be allowed to use electrical and mechanical tools and use certain make-up, chemicals and products.

Obtaining a cosmetologist license isn’t easy, and once you get it, you don’t want to lose it. Unfortunately, you can lose a cosmetologist license faster than you got it.  Here’s how.

Violating regulations and guidelines

You aren’t just proving that you’re qualified for a job by having a cosmetologist license. You’re also showing that you’re responsible for following State Board regulations and guidelines. If a client or inspector walks into your establishment or place of work and finds something, they could file a complaint and have you fined and your license temporarily or permanently revoked.

For example, cosmetologists, like many professionals, must have a valid license displayed in a public area or workspace. This license must also be valid and renewed regularly.

Another instance where a cosmetologist may violate regulations would happen if they were not following proper safety procedures. This could happen if a workspace or piece of equipment was poorly cleaned or not disinfected. Additionally, unsafe disposal or storage of liquids, chemicals, powders and cosmetics may be considered a violation.

Being accused of violating state regulations and guidelines can come at a great cost. You need to be aware of your legal rights when defending your professional license.