Which business entity best protects professional licenses?

If you own or are a partner in a professional business, you want to structure your organization in a way that protects you from liability. Examples of business entities to choose from include:

  • A limited liability company (LLC)
  • A partnership
  • A sole corporation

These entities offer protection, but they may not help when you want to protect a professional license. In Pennsylvania (and several other states), you have one more business entity option at your disposal.

The Professional limited liability corporation (PLLC)

A PLLC may protect your license in businesses involving more than one owner. For example, say you are a doctor in a private medical office with two partners. If one of the partners makes a medical mistake or engages in other wrongdoing, your PLLC can protect you from a malpractice claim.

When you did not play a role in the wrongdoing of a partner, the wronged party cannot include you in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Since you are not involved in the claim, it will likely pose no risk to your professional license.

Other benefits associated with a PLLC include the following.

  • Protection of personal assets
  • Minimal compliance regulations
  • Inexpensive and easy to set up
  • Flexible business taxing options

You can get the benefits above with an ordinary limited liability company, but you will not improve your malpractice protection without a PLLC.

Unfortunately, not all businesses qualify for a PLLC. Below are several examples of professionals that are eligible for PLLC protection.

  • Chiropractors
  • Optometrists
  • Law professionals
  • Dentists
  • Healthcare providers
  • Veterinarians
  • Psychologists

Learning more about business law and license protection can ensure you take the proper steps in creating a PLLC. Guidance from a legal advocate can also help.