My nursing license has been suspended. Can I appeal?

You have made sacrifices to pursue your nursing studies and reached a significant milestone in your life. You are a licensed nurse. Unfortunately, a single mistake can throw all these away.

The good news, however, is that with the right defense, you can appeal and restore a suspended nursing license so you can continue doing what you love most: caring for your patients.

Preparing your petition for license restoration

The first step in appealing a suspended license involves petitioning the board and demonstrating the merits of your case. This means that you must satisfy conditions that relate to your license’s suspension or revocation. For instance, you must wait for the suspension period to lapse before you can initiate the reinstatement process. You cannot apply for a reinstatement of your nursing license before the suspension period runs out.

Submitting the appeals documents

You have a duty to convince the Pennsylvania State Nursing Board that you are competent enough to practice and that you deserve to have your license reinstated. Depending on the circumstances that lead to the suspension of your license, you may need the following evidence to strengthen your claim:

  • Proof of completion of drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation, therapy or support group
  • Proof of compliance with a court order that relates to your license’s suspension
  • A physical or mental assessment report from a qualified practitioner
  • Drug screening report

Do keep in mind that the board might contact third parties to verify the information you have provided during your appeal. Thus, you need to be as honest as possible.

Depending on the circumstances of your case, getting the board to reinstate your nursing license may be difficult. But it is not impossible. Knowing your legal options can help you safeguard your rights while appealing a suspended nursing license in Pennsylvania.