Category: Uncategorized
Protecting your Pennsylvania teaching license
Even though Pennsylvania is facing a teacher shortage, it is still possible for educators to lose their teaching certificates. While the Pennsylvania Department of Education revokes some licenses for understandable reasons, they may invalidate others based on technicalities or for questionable causes. Educators must protect their careers by maintaining awareness of the various ways they…
Asset sales versus mergers and acquisitions
Asset sales and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are both strategies companies use to grow, restructure and/or streamline their operations. However, they differ significantly in terms of process, legal implications and their impact on stakeholders. Understanding these related differences is crucial for members of business leadership who are contemplating these strategies as part of their growth…
When does it make sense to turn a company into an S corporation?
Business owners constantly look for ways to maximize profits and expand when practical. One factor that affects the ability to do so is the type of entity the company is. Reports from the Small Business Administration show that most people form their organizations as a limited liability company. While LLCs have many advantages, there are…
The basics of creating a nonprofit in Pennsylvania
You may not want to create a business to sell products and generate profits. Instead, your desire is to serve your local community through an organization that receives charitable donations. If so, forming a nonprofit might fulfill your dreams. Nonprofit organizations exist to provide services and support to communities. They do not aim to make…
What is nursing misconduct?
Nurses must observe high standards of conduct to ensure patient safety and wellness. Licensing boards frown upon even minor transgressions. When the violations are particularly egregious, they can result in license revocation. Every nurse should be aware of what constitutes unprofessional working behavior. With a comprehensive understanding, they can better avoid practices that might lead…
The importance of seller’s disclosure in real estate transactions
The seller’s disclosure is one of the most important parts of a real estate transaction. An accurate and reliable document helps a buyer be more comfortable with the transaction. Real estate agents in Pennsylvania carry a significant responsibility when it comes to disclosing property defects to potential buyers. Failure to fulfill this duty can lead…
3 ways companies can protect themselves in employment contracts
Hiring a new employee is a major commitment for an organization. The company needs to absorb numerous ongoing expenses including the cost of the worker’s weekly pay and the benefits that the company offers. Employees represent more liability than just financial obligations. They can make mistakes on the job that lead to legal issues for…
What must a contract have to make it valid?
The U.S. Census Bureau said Pennsylvania had 304,633 businesses providing employment in 2022. The chances are good that most of these businesses have some type of contract in play at any given time. The creation of a valid business contract is akin to laying a sturdy foundation for a successful venture. However, the law imposes certain…
What happens when a nurse faces substance abuse?
Nursing is an honorable field filled with caring, dedicated individuals. Yet, intense demands compassion fatigue and easy access to medication can lead even the best nurses down a path toward substance abuse. In Pennsylvania, when a nurse grapples with disciplinary action due to substance abuse, it initiates a challenging process with significant personal and professional…
When does your hobby become a business?
Many people find joy and fulfillment in working on hobbies. Whether it is crafting, photography or baking, these pursuits often serve as a creative outlet or a way to relax. However, if you sell any goods or services related to your pastime, the relation between hobby and business becomes blurred. Watching for telltale signs and…