Are you at risk of losing your Pennsylvania pharmacist license?

Earning your pharmacist license culminates your years of rigorous study, exams and training. Although it is a rewarding profession, being a pharmacist still demands so much out of you. You have crucial tasks you must consistently carry out, such as the accurate preparation and inventory of medications. On top of that, you must also maintain professional conduct in adherence to Pennsylvania State Board of Pharmacy regulations.

But despite giving out reasonable time, money and effort to protect your job, you are still prone to certain pressures and actions that can put your license in jeopardy.

Loss of license

A recent Department of State report shows disciplinary actions with details of different scenarios leading to pharmacists losing their licenses.

  • Incompetence: Leaking patient’s confidential information in violation of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules, giving out inaccurate medication dosage, improper labeling of prescriptions and dispensing expired stocks are all examples of poor decision-making.
  • Off-the-books drug use: Audit findings could show a shortage in drug stocks because you took some of it for personal use to serve your addiction. Your employees may also try to sell these drugs in the black market, so you must also keep a close watch on them.
  • Fraud: This deceptive practice occurs when you engage in inappropriate billing practices and take advantage of customers’ money.
  • Unsystematic tracking: Careless record-keeping can result in a shortage of controlled substances.
  • Felony conviction: Driving under the influence and assault are some examples of felonies. Other crimes committed even outside work time can also count as reasons for license suspension. The Pharmacy Act automatically suspends your license if proven that you violated the Controlled Substances, Drugs, Device, and Cosmetic Act.

There are also cases when a pharmacist voluntarily surrenders their license due to physical or mental disability. Going beyond the scope of your work can also put your license at risk. At times, mere suspicion or false allegations can also turn into a case against you.

Career on the line

Knowing what threats to prevent is a step in the right direction. The next phase is securing a solid legal defense that can vigorously fight for the livelihood you have worked hard for and invested in for years.