Doctors need to have a professional license to practice, as they cannot work in their field without it – at least not legally. Just like a commercial driver’s license, this means it is a critical aspect of their career. Losing it isn’t just a setback. It could derail an individual’s career entirely.
There are a few different reasons why a physician may lose their license, temporarily or permanently.
Excessive negligence
All doctors make mistakes, but doctors who have been clearly negligent may lose their license. Oftentimes, a doctor will be accused of not upholding the expected standard of care. Perhaps they consistently fail to carefully read charts, consistently don’t record information about patients, prescribe medications that could have dangerous interactions or otherwise place their patients in danger in unreasonable ways on a relatively regular basis.
Various types of misconduct
Different types of misconduct in the workplace could also cause a doctor to lose their license. An example of this could be criminal activity, such as working while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. Sexual misconduct is also prohibited, whether it targets patients or coworkers. Professional misconduct could also lead to a license challenge, such as not reporting errors, verbally abusing patients or doing things without proper authorization.
Healthcare fraud
In some situations, doctors are accused of fraud. Perhaps they have been overbilling for services or writing prescriptions for medications that patients don’t really need – such as painkillers.
What options do they have?
These are just a few examples of potential reasons for a license challenge. Doctors can take steps to defend their license if they are accused of wrongdoing, as not all allegations are grounded in fact. But, going before a professional licensing board can be a complicated endeavor and it’s clearly important for the future of a doctor’s career to treat this turn of events seriously. That’s why it’s so crucial that they understand all of their legal rights and the steps they can take for their benefit by seeking legal guidance promptly.